Stop Saying WWW

The World Wide Web (WWW) became very popular during the internet boom that happened at the turn of the millennium. It signalled the birth of the internet as we know it.

Web addresses or URLs were springing up from basically everywhere and the thought of having some sort of address that begins with a custom “www” and ends with a “.com” was the dream. It almost became a symbol of high social standing, or maybe it did.

But as the internet evolved, so did domain names take on different forms. But one of the biggest shifts in the way people refer to web addresses is arguably found in the way “www” has become outdated.

Back then, it was pretty standard and maybe even a thing of pride for people to start off with a “www” when mentioning their web address. These days, Millennialswill just look at you funny if you went through the trouble.

As things stand, no says anymore so you might as well as stop saying “www.” It’s not wrong, but it's odd. You don’t even have to type it in when trying to visit a website. And people who still say WWW are mostly thought of as people who have walked this planet for a “very, very long time.” Okay, that’s just a mild way of referring to people who can’t be called “young.”

Now, here are some reasons you should stop saying “WWW:

-It’s Really Not Necessary: Saying WWW when trying to mention a web address is not wrong at all, but it’s no longer cool. And if you think that’s not enough reason not to say it, then you are wrong. Because guess what, it’s unnecessary and, quite frankly, not smart.

It is used to be standard in the early days of the internet, both in speaking and in actual usage. But these days, it’s just an unnecessary encumbrance that gives one anything but a good look.

Back in the days, without the WWW in front, your website search will turn up empty. But nowadays, it’s not even necessary. By simply typing the name of the website into the browser address field and hitting “Go”, you’re well on your way. In fact, you could even get the spelling wrong and still remain on track.

So if you need more than “it’s not cool” to get you to stop saying WWW, well there you have it. It has no functionality in use.

-It Uncool: Yes, times have changed and apparently, being cool is a thing. And it means a lot of things, especially with younger Millennialswho would certainly be put off by hearing someone say WWW.

To put it plainly, anyone who says WWW before mentioning a website these days is most likely an older person who is out of touch with the times. And that’s to put it nicely. There is just no way you can pull off saying WWW when mentioning a website and still sound cool these days.

So, there you have it -- that’s why you need to stop saying WWW if you still are.

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