Stop Saying Whatever

We are all guilty of using the word “whatever”. And, sometimes we don’t even realize how annoying and frustrating these statements are, especially when then come out from our own mouths. But when we are at the receiving end of these statements from our partners, friends or colleagues, we know the frustration and how annoying it is. We begin to ask ourselves questions like; “why can’t he or she make a decision”, “Doesn’t he or she care at all?”
Saying the word “whatever” because it’s convenient and relieve you of the stress of decision making is destructive to your relationship with whoever it may be and putting yourself up for a downfall. It is very normal for two people to have different opinions and preferences and should be able to express them.
When you avoid revealing your true thoughts by always saying “whatever” for whatever the reason may be or task ahead of you before you know it, you begin to resent whosoever the person is for not knowing what you really want. Also, the person begins to resent you for placing the burden of decision-making entirely on his or her shoulders.
The word “whatever” should not be said or used. It is usually a rude word. Being dismissive is what makes it rude. Anyone who hears you say it thinks you don't give a hoot about any decision that needs to be made then you are being seen as an escapist. Whenever the word is used, it means you are not making a choice and life is about the choices we make.
In almost every context the word “whatever” means any of the following sentences below after carefully analyzing them;
  • You should make the decision and if you are wrong, you will be held responsible.
  • I don’t care.
  • If I knew the answer, you won’t be asking me, so stop stressing me.
  • I am not interested in whatever you say or do.
  • It’s not my business, get off with it because I have more important things to do.
  • I am very angry at you and will not hesitate to blame you for any decision you wrongly make for me.
 Expressing yourself will always be better than saying the “whatever” word, the word shouldn’t be an option or what you want to consider saying. Expressing yourself might end up in a disagreement with the other person, but this is a good thing because you end up understanding each other and the situation as it will reflect your desires and you can also learn from each other with that.
Using the word “whatever” is as bad and unpleasant as playing music through a sound system with a busted speaker. You have to stop saying the word “whatever” before all those small decisions slips away and people see you as being ambivalent, wishy-washy or someone who is “not-all-in”.
Finally, to stop saying the ridiculous “whatever” word, engage your brain and talk, take charge of situations, show interest in whatever you are involved at, you will learn more this way.

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